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Apply for the Germany Opportunity Card 2024

The Opportunity Card (Chancenkarte) is a plan by Germany to get skilled workers from outside the European Union (EU). People who are eligible can come to Germany for up to a year to look for work through this program, without having to have a job offer or employment contract in advance. Starting June 1, 2024, you can apply for an Opportunity Card through the German diplomatic mission or office in your country.

What is the Germany Opportunity Card?

The Opportunity Card is like the Germany Job Seeker Visa, but it gives you more freedom and stays good for longer. This card can be applied for by people from any non-EU country. It also lets you work up to 20 hours a week part-time while you look for a full-time job.

Eligibility and Points System

You need to meet a number of requirements to earn at least six points in order to be eligible for the Opportunity Card. Here are the things that go into the points system:

1. Education

  • Vocational Training: Completed vocational training of at least two years, recognized by the state in your country.
  • University Degree: A completed university degree also qualifies.

2. Language Skills

  • German Skills: At least level A1 (basic level) in German.
  • English Skills: At least level B2 (advanced level) in English.

3. Proof of Funds for Living Expenses

You need to prove that you can pay your own way while living in Germany. This can be shown in two ways:

  • Option 1: Proof of Savings: Open a block account in Germany with a deposit of €11,208.
  • Option 2: Employment Offer: Get an offer for a part-time job in Germany. With the Opportunity Card, you can work up to 20 hours a week as a part-timer and make about 12 euros an hour, which adds up to more than 1,000 euros a month.

4. Work Experience

You need to have worked in your field for at least two years. Show proof of this by getting letters from current or past employers.

5. Previous Visit to Germany

You may have better chances if you have lived in Germany for more than six months in the last five years. Tourist trips are not included. Contracts for jobs or rentals can be used as proof.

6. Spouse Qualification

You can both get more points if your mate is also eligible for the Opportunity Card. You need to show proof that you are married, and your spouse must meet the basic standards for an Opportunity Card.

Read Also: How to Get Germany Student Visa – Study Visa Germany

Benefits of the Opportunity Card

  • No Job Offer Needed: Stress how flexible and easy to get the Opportunity Card is, so people can apply without having a job offer first. This gives applicants the chance to look at different job opportunities once they get to Germany.
  • Fast Entry: Talk about how the Opportunity Card speeds up the entry process, making it easier and faster for people from outside the EU to come to Germany and start the process of finding work and settling down.
  • Potential for Permanent Residence: Stress that the Opportunity Card is helpful because it increases your chances of getting permanent residency in Germany. This gives them long-term security and chances to become part of German society.
  • Potential for Earnings: Talk about the Opportunity Card’s potential for making money, such as the chance to make a good living by working part-time at first and then moving on to full-time work to make more money.
  • Hassle-Free Work Permit: Talk about how easy it is to get a work permit with the Opportunity Card, which cuts down on red tape and makes it easier to meet the legal standards for working in Germany.
  • Work Part-Time: Stress that the Opportunity Card is flexible and that candidates can make up to 1,000 euros a month by working part-time. This could be appealing to people who want to find a good mix between work and life or make extra money.
  • Full-Time Work Possibility: Stress the chance of switching from part-time to full-time work once a good job is found, which could lead to more money and business opportunities in Germany.

How to Apply

You can apply for the Opportunity Card at the relevant German Embassy in your country. If you are already in Germany, you can apply at the local Foreigners’ Registration Office. Applications will be accepted starting on June 1, 2024. Contact your local German Embassy for more details and application procedures.

More Info


The Germany Opportunity Card makes it easy and open for skilled people from outside the EU to look for work in Germany. This card gives you access to long-term opportunities in the country because you don’t need a job offer, you could become a permanent resident, you can work part-time, and the process for getting a work permit is easier. To begin your trip on June 1, 2024, you can apply at the German Embassy or the Foreigners’ Registration Office in your area.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do you need a job offer or a permanent employment contract?

    No, you don’t need a job offer or a contract to work in Germany in order to get an Opportunity Card.

  2. Why is there a need for an Opportunity Card?

    Germany has a big problem with not having enough skilled workers. The country might need about 16 million more workers by 2060 if people don’t come from other countries too. This hole is meant to be filled by the Opportunity Card, which brings in skilled workers from outside the EU.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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