Work Visa

Dubai Work Visa 2024 – Types & Benefits

Possessing the appropriate credentials, work experience, or a degree in a field that is in high demand in the UAE makes it easy to obtain a well-compensated position in Dubai or any other location within the UAE. However, prior to anything else, you will require a UAE employment visa, which is the subject of this article. There are various varieties of Dubai work visas available, and the type of employment you hold will determine which one you need.

We will discuss a frequently asked question and examine each of the primary categories of Emirati work visas. Can employment be obtained in Dubai while holding a visitor visa? This is a question frequently posed by international job seekers, and the response is affirmative.

To look for work in Dubai, a visitor visa is sufficient. After obtaining employment, your new employer will be responsible for sponsoring your work visa and residency permit in the UAE. This entails fulfilling specific requirements and passing a medical examination.

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Benefits of Dubai Work Visa:

  • Career Opportunities: Dubai presents an extensive array of employment prospects spanning diverse industries, including finance, construction, tourism, healthcare, and technology. Due to its thriving economy, the city serves as a center for international commerce.
  • Tax-Free Income: An important advantage of establishing a business in Dubai is the complete absence of income tax. This enables one to benefit from a greater net income in contrast to nations that impose personal income taxation.
  • Elevated Quality of Living: Dubai is renowned for its high quality of life, luxurious lifestyle, and advanced infrastructure. In addition to luxury housing, expatriates have access to first-rate medical facilities, retail malls, restaurants, and entertainment venues.
  • Multicultural Environment: Dubai is a melting ground of cultures on a global scale due to its heterogeneous ex-pats. Working in such an environment provides the opportunity to engage in cross-cultural interactions, thereby enhancing both professional and personal development.
  • Professional Development: Numerous multinational corporations maintain offices in Dubai, which offers a plethora of prospects for professional development and career progression. Working in Dubai provides exposure to international business practices and networking opportunities.
  • Security and Safety: Due to its high safety standards and low crime rate, Dubai is a secure location for expatriates and their families.
  • Excellent Healthcare and Education: Dubai is a desirable location for families due to its esteemed educational and healthcare establishments that conform to global benchmarks.
  • Travel Opportunities: The strategic location of Dubai facilitates travel to numerous regions in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. During their stay, expatriates can explore neighboring countries and encounter diverse cultures.

Types of UAE Work Visas

UAE Standard Work Permit (Employee-Sponsored)

Employer sponsorship is the norm for the UAE Standard Work Permit, the most prevalent form of work visa. It is granted to professionals or highly skilled workers who engage in an employment contract in the UAE. Accepting the job offer, executing the contract, and submitting an application for a UAE entry visa are the initial steps.

By UAE immigration regulations, your employer will process the application for your work visa and residency permit upon your arrival.

Golden Visa for UAE

Without a local sponsor, individuals may study or work in the UAE for up to ten years with the UAE Golden Visa. Professionals such as physicians, athletes, engineers, artists, and architects have access to it.

Under specific conditions, this prestigious visa also permits you to invite your immediate family to reside in the UAE.

NOMAD Visa for UAE

This visa category, which was recently introduced, permits foreign remote workers to reside and operate in the UAE.

You will receive tax exemptions, complimentary internet, and access to first-rate medical facilities as a remote worker, in addition to an Emirates ID.

UAE Green Visa

Independent contractors who desire to reside in the UAE for five years without a local sponsor are eligible for this visa. Additionally, holders may sponsor family members.

Follow our updates to remain informed regarding work permits, visa application procedures, routes to permanent residency, and visa-sponsored employment.

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  1. How much is a 2-year work visa in Dubai?

    \AED 600 to AED 2000, with the specific amount varying based on the worker’s skill level (skilled or unskilled).
    AED 5000 Dubai work visa for 2 years: AED 3000 to AED 7000 for a 2-year Dubai work visa. Foreign workers aged 65 and above: AED 5,000, applicable across all categories.

  2. Is a Dubai work visa open to Pakistanis?

    There is no ban on work visas for Pakistanis in the UAE, said Afzaal Mahmood, Pakistan’s Ambassador to the UAE. “People used to contact us to inquire about the work visa ban. There is no work visa ban for Pakistanis, and people are coming here for employment.

  3. How do I get a work visa from Pakistan to the UAE?

    Your employer has to obtain the work permit on your behalf. It is the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) that’s in charge of issuing work permits for the UAE.

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