Work Visa

Europe Countries Issue NOMAD Work VISA With Family 

In a lovely café in Lisbon, you’re typing away on your laptop while sipping a rich espresso. Or, you might be ending a Zoom call with a stunning view of the Greek islands behind you. Today, one of the best things about working from home is that you can pick both your job and your office. Your office could be anywhere in Europe!

This piece will help you make that choice by giving you a thorough look at why every European country that offers a NOMAD work visa could be your next perfect place to work from anywhere. We have the information to help you and your family make the best choice, whether you’re interested in culture, price, neighborhood, or just a beautiful view. Hold on tight—your trip through Europe begins now.

Europe Countries Offering NOMAD Work VISA With Family Inclusion

Use any of the 11 NOMAD work visas below to move to any of these 11 European countries as an online worker and bring your family with you:

Portugal: D7 Visa or Digital Nomad Visa

The D7 Visa and the new Digital Nomad Visa are the two choices that Portugal gives to people who work from home. The D7 Visa is for people who make idle income, and the Digital Nomad Visa is for people who work from home.

Family Inclusion: You can bring your partner and kids, yes. They can apply for residency as people who depend on them.

Why Choose Portugal? There is a lot of culture in Portugal, the cost of living is low, and the number of digital nomads is growing, especially in places like Lisbon and Porto. The country is a great place to work from home because it has a mild temperature and beautiful scenery, from beaches to vineyards.


Spain: Digital Nomad Visa

With Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa, people who work from home can live and work in the country. It’s part of Spain’s new Startup Act, which is meant to bring in talented people from around the world.

Family Inclusion: Yes, you can bring your spouse and children with you on the trip.

Why Choose Spain? Spain is a great place to go for people who want to work and play at the same time because it has lively towns, delicious food, and world-class festivals. Also, compared to other Western European countries, the cost of living is lower here, especially in places like Andalusia.


Croatia: Digital Nomad Visa

Croatia gives remote workers a Digital Nomad Visa that is good for one year and can be extended.

Family Inclusion: You can bring your partner and children with you, but they will need to register separately.

Why Choose Croatia? The beautiful coastline and ancient towns of Croatia make a beautiful setting for working from home. The country is a good choice because it has a low cost of living and good internet access, especially in places like Dubrovnik and Split.


Germany: Freelance Visa or Chancenkarte

The Freelance Visa is available in Germany for people who are self-employed or who work from home. The new Chancenkarte (Opportunity Card) is also being made available to bring in talented people from other countries.

Family Inclusion: Yes, you can bring your spouse and kids with either type of visa.

Why Choose Germany? Germany has a great tech scene, great public transportation, and a high standard of living. Cities like Berlin and Munich are culture hubs where people from far away can meet and network.


Estonia E-Residency Digital Nomad Visa

Estonia was the first country to offer a Digital Nomad Visa, which lets people who work from home stay in Estonia for up to a year.

Family Inclusion: People who depend on you can come with you on the visa.

Why Choose Estonia? Estonia is known for having a very advanced digital society. It has fast internet and government services that can be used by people who work from home. The country is appealing because it has a low cost of living and beautiful natural scenery.


Greece: Digital Nomad Visa

Greece has a Digital Nomad Visa for people who work from home. This visa lets them stay in the country for up to 12 months and can be renewed.

Family Inclusion: Yes, family members can join the main candidate with this visa.

Why Choose Greece? Greece’s beautiful islands, delicious Mediterranean food, and rich past make it a great place to work from home. The warm weather and easygoing way of life are great for people who want to find a good balance between work and play.


Italy: Self-Employment Visa

Italy’s Self-Employment Visa is for freelancers and people who work from home, but the choices vary by region.

Family Inclusion: Yes, your partner and children can be on your visa application with you.

Why Choose Italy? Italy is a great place for remote workers who like the better things in life to go because it has a lot of history, delicious food that is known all over the world, and beautiful scenery, from the rolling hills of Tuscany to the busy streets of Rome.


Malta: Nomad Residence Permit

Non-EU workers who want to live and work from home in Malta can get a Nomad Residence Permit for up to a year, with the chance to renew.

Family Inclusion: Yes, dependents are allowed to join the primary applicant.

Why Choose Malta? It’s easy to get settled in Malta because it’s sunny all year, there are lots of expats, and English is the national language. The historical places and clear waters of the island are the cherry on top.


Iceland: Long-Term Visa for Remote Workers

There is a long-term visa in Iceland that lets online workers live there for up to six months.

Family Inclusion: Yes, your spouse and children can accompany you.

Why Choose Iceland? The dramatic scenery of Iceland, with its geysers, waterfalls, and glaciers, makes it a truly unique place to work from home. The safe and high-quality of life in the country make it a great choice for families.


Czech Republic: Zivno Visa

The Zivno Visa is for freelancers and people who work from home and want to live in the Czech Republic.

Family Inclusion: Yes, dependents can apply for residency based on their Zivno Visa.

Why Choose Czech Republic? People love the Czech Republic, especially Prague, because it has a low cost of living, a lively arts scene, and beautiful buildings. With great transportation links, it’s a great place to start touring Europe.


Hungary: White Card

The White Card in Hungary lets digital nomads and people who work from home stay in the country for up to a year.

Family Inclusion: Yes, the visa permits family members to join the primary applicant.

Why Choose Hungary? Hungary has a lot of history, and the city of Budapest is a great place to experience it. As a result, it’s a great place for remote workers who want to combine work with cultural adventures.



Europe is a great place for digital nomads who want to change where they work and how they live. Because there are different NOMAD work visas for different parts of the continent, you can find a place that meets both your business and personal needs. You can find a great mix of work and fun in Europe, whether you’re interested in the rich culture of Portugal, the beautiful seashore of Croatia, or the historical charm of Budapest. Check out these chances and start a new part of your journey working from home.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What types of NOMAD work visas are available in Europe?

    The types of NOMAD work visas vary by country and include options like the D7 Visa (Portugal), Digital Nomad Visa (Spain, Croatia, Greece), Freelance Visa (Germany), E-Residency Digital Nomad Visa (Estonia), Self-Employment Visa (Italy), Nomad Residence Permit (Malta), Long-Term Visa for Remote Workers (Iceland), Zivno Visa (Czech Republic), and White Card (Hungary).

  • Which European countries offer NOMAD work visas with family inclusion?

    Portugal, Spain, Croatia, Germany, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Malta, Iceland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary all offer NOMAD work visas that allow you to bring your family.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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