Jobs With Visa

Germany AU Pair Visa – Eligibility and Process

There is a great opportunity for young people who want to live in one of the most beautiful and varied countries in Europe and learn a new language. The German Au Pair visa is your golden ticket! Imagine that you are living with a German family, speaking German every day, enjoying German customs, and taking care of cute kids while getting a small monthly allowance. Sounds beautiful? You’re in the right place!

You get 260 EUR a month as an au pair in Germany, but you also make memories that will last a lifetime, learn language skills that will help you get jobs around the world, and get a real feel for life in one of Europe’s most exciting countries.

There is a lot to learn about the Au Pair Visa for Germany in this article. It covers everything you need to know, from how young foreigners can benefit to the eligibility requirements, where to find the best chances, and how to apply step-by-step.

What is the Au Pair Visa Program?

For young people from around the world who want to improve their language skills while living with a host family, the Au Pair Program is a cultural exchange experience at its core. This program gives you the chance to help with light housework and taking care of children for 6 to 12 months. The host family gives you a place to stay, food, and money every month as a “pocket allowance.”

Foreigners between the ages of 18 and 26 have a great chance to live with a family in another country, learn about the culture, and see how a normal host family lives. The program is meant to help people from different countries understand each other better while also giving you a safe, organized space to learn new things and make new friends.

What’s in it for You? The Benefits of Being an Au Pair in Germany

There are many good things about being an Au Pair in Germany, which makes it a good choice for young people who want to grow professionally and personally. Here is a list of the benefits:

  1. Cultural Exchange:
    • Get a real feel for German holidays, traditions, food, and ways of life. When you live with a foster family, you can really experience their culture, which is both unique and beneficial.
  2. Improve Language Skills:
    • Living in a German-speaking home will give you daily chances to use the language, which will help you learn faster and more easily.
  3. Pocket Money:
    • Every month, you’ll get 260 EUR. This small stipend is meant to cover personal costs, fun events, and small purchases.
  4. Free Room and Board:
    • The host family will give you a place to stay and meals, so you won’t have to worry about paying for either during your stay.
  5. Insurance Coverage:
    • As an Au Pair, your host family pays for your health, accident, and liability insurance. This gives you peace of mind in case you get sick or hurt.
  6. Paid Vacation:
    • You are eligible to paid vacation, which is usually two days a month. This lets you see more of Germany or other European countries.
  7. Personal Growth:
    • As an Au Pair, you take care of children and do chores around the house, which helps you learn important life skills like freedom, responsibility, and good communication.
  8. Career Boost:
    • International experience is highly valued in today’s job market. Listing a cultural exchange program in Germany on your CV enhances your profile and demonstrates adaptability, language skills, and cultural awareness.

Who Can Apply? Eligibility Criteria for the German Au Pair Visa


  • The people who want to apply must be between the ages of 18 and 26.

Language Skills:

  • You should know enough German to get by (A1 level). The fact that you can talk to the host family, especially the kids, comes across well.

Previous Experience:

  • Formal training as a childcare worker is not required, but it is preferred. Many times, families want au pairs who have experience with kids and enjoy spending time with them.


  • Those who want to apply must be in good health because they will have to help with housework and childcare.


  • People from both EU and non-EU countries can join the program.

No Previous Au Pair Experience in Germany:

  • You should not have been an au pair in Germany before. This is done to make sure that the cultural exchange is new.

Where to Find Au Pair Opportunities in Germany? Top 5 Resources

To have a good au pair experience, you need to find the right home. The following are the top 5 websites where you can find certified and trustworthy au pair jobs in Germany:

  • AuPairWorld (Germany): One of the most well-known places to look for au pair jobs in Germany. It gives families a lot of information and matches them with au pairs.
  • (Germany): A global website for au pairs where you can look for specific jobs in Germany. It is known for having a big list of families and au pairs.
  • Ayusa Germany: A trustworthy German organization that helps match au pairs with host families and provides extra help during the process.
  • GreatAuPair (Germany): You can look for German host families on this well-known foreign site for au pair and child care jobs.
  • There is a website that helps au pairs find host families in Germany. It has tools and guides that are specific to the German program.

Read Also: Germany Work VISA – Work in Germany

How to Apply for Au Pair Opportunities in Germany and Visa?

1. Find a Host Family

  • You can find a German host family on places you can trust, such as AuPairWorld.
  • Before you book your stay, talk about your duties, working hours (up to 30 hours a week), and any other conditions.

2. Create an Au Pair Contract

  • As soon as you and the family agree on something, you need to write up and sign a written Au Pair Contract.
  • The contract will include key details like:
    • Work hours (max 30 hours/week)
    • Pocket money (typically 260 EUR/month)
    • Accommodation and meals provided by the family
    • Health insurance (usually covered by the host family)

3. Apply for the Visa (For Non-EU Citizens)

  • You will need to apply for a National Visa (for Au Pair stay) at your nearest German embassy or consulate. Here’s what you’ll need:
    • Valid Passport: Ensure your passport is up to date.
    • Signed Au Pair Contract: Provided by your host family.
    • Proof of Basic German Language Skills: Usually, an A1 level certificate.
    • Health Insurance: Typically provided by the host family.
    • Visa Application Form: Completed and signed.
    • Passport-sized Photos: Meet German visa photo requirements.
    • Visa Application Fee: Payment varies based on the country.
    • Proof of Residence in your Home Country: Address verification may be required.
  • For more detailed information on visa requirements, visit Germany’s official visa site.

4. Visa Processing Time

  • It takes between 4 and 12 weeks to process a visa, so make sure you apply early to give yourself plenty of time.

5. Arrival in Germany

  • Go to Germany once your visa is accepted.
  • Once you get there, you have 14 days to register with the local government (Einwohnermeldeamt) and apply for a residence pass if you plan to stay longer than 90 days.


The German Au Pair Visa offers a unique opportunity for young people to immerse themselves in German culture, enhance their language skills, and gain valuable life experience. With a structured application process and numerous resources available to find host families, this program is a gateway to living and working in one of Europe’s most vibrant countries. By carefully following the application steps and meeting the eligibility criteria, you can make the most of this enriching cultural exchange experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the German Au Pair Visa?

    With the German Au Pair Visa, young people can live with a German family for 6 to 12 months and help with cleaning and child care. They will also get a monthly allowance and learn about German culture.

  • How much does an Au Pair earn in Germany?

    An au pair in Germany receives a monthly allowance of 260 EUR, which is intended to cover personal expenses.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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