Work Visa

Ireland CSEP Work Visa With Family – Application Process 

Imagine the sound of your kids laughing resonating through the Irish hills, the thrill of exploring old castles with your partner, and the satisfaction of building a successful job in a country known for being friendly. If this beautiful scene moves you, Ireland’s Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP) could be the key to starting this amazing new chapter for your whole family.

It’s not enough to just get a job in a strong economy; you should also embrace a way of life that values work-life balance, immerse yourself in a rich culture tapestry, and give your family members chances that can shape their futures. The CSEP isn’t just for you; it makes it possible for your spouse and children to join you on this amazing journey and follow their dreams in the Emerald Isle.

Is it Possible to Apply for Ireland CSEP with Family and Spouse?

Of course! The Ireland Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP) is meant to bring in highly skilled workers and help their families become part of the community. Under the Dependent/Partner/partner Employment Permit, your partner and children who depend on you can come to Ireland with you once you get a CSEP. One of the best things about the CSEP is that it lets your family live and work in Ireland without having to go through the usual red tape that can make moving with family hard.

What are the Advantages of Applying for Ireland Critical Skills Employment Permit?

The Critical Skills Employment Permit has many perks that make it an attractive choice for professionals with a lot of skills. Here are some reasons you might want to apply:

  • Fast-Track to Residency: One of the best things about it is that you can get permanent status quickly. You can apply for a Stamp 4 after two years of having a CSEP. This gives you the right to live in Ireland permanently.
  • Family-Friendly Policies: As we already said, you can bring your spouse and children with you to Ireland, and they can even work without getting any extra work permits. We went into more depth about how this works in this article.
  • No Labour Market Needs Test: The CSEP doesn’t need a Labour Market Needs Test like other work permits do. This means you don’t have to show that an Irish or EU person couldn’t do the job. This makes the entry process a lot easier.
  • High-Demand Occupations: The CSEP is aimed at jobs that are in high demand in Ireland, like banking, engineering, IT, and healthcare. This makes it more likely that you’ll find a job that fits your skills and experience.
  • Attractive Salaries and Benefits: Most of the time, jobs that qualify for the CSEP pay well and offer bonuses, other perks, and attractive salaries. This is a big reason for skilled workers who want to move up in their jobs.

What is the Eligibility Criteria for Ireland CSEP?

To qualify for the CSEP, you must meet specific eligibility criteria. These include:

  • Job Offer: You need to have a job offer from an Irish company in a Critical Skills Occupations List-designated industry. The job has to last at least two years.
  • Salary Requirements: The job must pay at least €32,000 a year for roles on the Critical Skills Occupations List that require a lot of advanced knowledge. The minimum pay for all other jobs that qualify is €64,000. (Crosscheck Fact).
  • Relevant Qualifications: You should have the skills, knowledge, and qualifications needed for the job. Often, you need an approved third-level qualification.
  • Labour Market Needs Test: Even though it’s not needed for CSEP, it’s very important to make sure that your job isn’t on the list of “ineligible categories of employment,” as that would mean you can’t get the permit.
  • English Language Proficiency: English skills are needed for most jobs that are qualified for the CSEP, but they are not required by law.

Top 5 Platforms to Find Jobs on CSEP


  • Description: People looking for jobs and workers can get a lot out of LinkedIn. It lets you connect with people, keep an eye on companies, and find job postings that are specifically for CSEP-eligible tasks. You can narrow your search to Ireland and related industries by using filters.
  • Website: LinkedIn

  • Description: This is a well-known job board in Ireland that has a wide range of jobs, some of which are qualified for the CSEP. To find good jobs, you can look by job title, industry, or location.
  • Website:

Indeed Ireland

  • Description: Indeed is a big global job search engine that lets you look for jobs in a lot of different fields. Use search terms like “Critical Skills Employment Permit” or particular job titles to find jobs that are eligible for the CSEP.
  • Website: Indeed Ireland


  • Description: Glassdoor has information on salaries, job openings, and reviews of companies. It’s a good way to find jobs that are qualified for the CSEP and learn about company cultures and pay rates.
  • Website: Glassdoor

  • Description: This job board is designed for the Irish market and has a wide range of job openings. It’s a good way to find jobs that are eligible for the CSEP, and it lets you narrow down your search with filters.
  • Website:

Enterprise Ireland

  • Description: This government body helps Irish businesses and might have job listings or other information that can help you find CSEP-eligible roles.
  • Website: Enterprise Ireland

HSE (Health Service Executive) Careers

  • Description: The HSE job portal has jobs in the Irish health field for healthcare professionals, some of which may be eligible for the CSEP.
  • Website: HSE Careers

IDA Ireland

  • Description: IDA Ireland encourages direct investment from outside of Ireland, and they may have job listings or other information to help people find jobs in international companies that do business in Ireland.
  • Website: IDA Ireland

Read Also: Ireland Working Holiday Visa – Application Process

Application Process of CSEP with Spouse and Family

1. Secure a Job Offer

  • Action: Use job boards like Indeed Ireland, LinkedIn, and to look for jobs that are eligible for the CSEP.
  • Preparation: Make sure that your cover letter and CV show off your skills and experience that are relevant to the Critical Skills Occupations List.

2. Receive the Job Offer

  • Action: If you get hired, your boss will help you with the CSEP application process.
  • Documentation: Ensure you obtain and prepare the following documents:
    • Job offer letter
    • Job details and description
    • Proof of qualifications and experience

3. Apply for the CSEP

  • Action: Use the Employment Permits Online System (EPOS) to send in your CSEP application online..
  • Information Required:
    • Personal information
    • Details of your job offer
    • Proof of qualifications
  • Fee: Pay the application fee (usually around €1,000).
  • Processing Time: The application typically takes 6-8 weeks.

4. Apply for Dependant/Partner/Spouse Employment Permit

  • Action: To get a dependent/partner/spouse employment permit, your spouse can apply for one after your CSEP is accepted.
  • Application Process: This can be done online and usually requires:
    • Proof of your CSEP approval
    • Personal information
    • Proof of relationship (e.g., marriage certificate)
  • Alternative: If your CSEP application is turned down, you might want to try to get a family reunification visa or another type of dependent visa.

5. Prepare for Relocation

  • Action: Once all permits are secured, start preparing for your move.
  • Tasks:
    • Arrange for visas and travel documents
    • Find accommodation in Ireland
    • Organize logistics for relocating your family

6. Settle in Ireland

Education: Enroll your children in local schools.

  • Action: Upon arrival, complete the following:
  • Register with the Irish Naturalization and Immigration Service (INIS) and get a pass to live in Ireland.
  • Job Search: If your partner doesn’t already have a job, they can start looking for one.

Is Ireland offering a stipend to unemployed spouses of CSEP holders?

No, Ireland does not give money to the unemployed partner of a CSEP holder. The husband can, however, apply for a Dependant/Partner/husband Employment Permit, which would let them work in Ireland in the same ways that were mentioned above.


The Ireland Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP) presents a remarkable opportunity for skilled professionals seeking to enhance their careers while experiencing life in one of Europe’s most welcoming countries. With its family-friendly policies, fast track to permanent residency, and attractive job benefits, the CSEP is an excellent choice for those looking to build a new chapter in Ireland. By understanding the eligibility criteria, exploring job platforms, and following the application steps, you and your family can embark on a successful journey to the Emerald Isle. Embrace the rich culture, beautiful landscapes, and vibrant communities that Ireland has to offer, and start your adventure today.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Ireland Critical Skills Employment Permit (CSEP)?

    The CSEP is a visa that lets people with a lot of skills live and work in Ireland. It lets workers bring their families with them and gives them a way to become permanent residents.

  • Can my family come with me if I have a CSEP?

    With the Dependent/Partner/partner Employment Permit, your partner and children can come to Ireland with you. Other people in your family can also work in Ireland without needing extra work permits.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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