Work Visa

List of Countries Provide Work Visas in 30 Days of Processing Time

Getting a work visa quickly can make all the difference in getting your dream job in today’s fast-paced global job market. For workers who want to work abroad, some countries stand out because of how quickly and easily they process work visas, often in 30 days or less. Here are five countries that are known for quickly handling work visas, along with important information about the types of visas they offer, who they are for, and what they need.

Singapore: Employment Pass (EP) – 28 to 60 Days

Employment Pass (EP)

Target Audience:

  • Foreign professionals, managers, and executives with specialized skills.

Processing Time:

  • Typically 28 to 60 days.
  • The process is usually faster for in-demand sectors.

Key Requirements:

  1. Job Offer:
    • Must have a job offer from a company based in Singapore.
  2. Qualifications:
    • A recognized degree or professional qualification relevant to the job position.
  3. Salary:
    • A competitive salary that aligns with the position and meets the minimum salary criteria set by the Singapore Ministry of Manpower.

The Employment Pass is one of the most popular work visas for workers from other countries who want to work in Asia’s most successful business hub. The EP is made for people with specific skills and credentials, which makes it a great option for people who work in technology, banking, or other high-demand fields. The application process is easy, and most people get approved within three weeks. In some high-demand areas, it can happen faster. Singapore is known for processing visas quickly because it has an efficient system and a planned focus on attracting the best talent from around the world. Link

Canada: Global Talent Stream (GTS) – 14 Days

Target Audience:

  • Highly skilled workers in specific technology and innovation occupations.

Processing Time:

  • Typically 2 weeks for eligible applicants.

Key Requirements:

  1. Job Offer:
    • Must have a job offer from a Canadian employer who has obtained a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) under the Global Talent Stream.
  2. Qualifications:
    • Proof of relevant qualifications and experience related to the occupation in technology and innovation.

As part of Canada’s Global Skills Strategy, the Global Talent Stream aims to make it easier for top talent to join the country’s tech and creative sectors, which are growing quickly. The GTS program is designed for people with a lot of skills, especially in technology. The application process is sped up, and it usually only takes two weeks to process an application. Canada is a good place for workers who want to move quickly and start their new jobs because of its short timeline. The GTS is especially helpful for businesses that need to fill jobs in niche areas where local talent may not be easy to find. Link

Australia: Global Talent Independent (GTI) Program – 30 to 90 Days

Target Audience:

  • Individuals with exceptional skills in target sectors such as technology, science, engineering, arts, and sports.

Processing Time:

  • Approximately 1 month to 90 days.

Key Requirements:

  1. Outstanding Achievements:
    • Show proof of outstanding accomplishments or skills in your area that are known all over the world.
  2. Nomination:
    • Get a nomination from an Australian person or group who is qualified. The recommendation should talk about your skills and accomplishments and back up your GTI program application.

Australia’s Global Talent Independent (GTI) program is meant to bring in professionals with a lot of skills who are known as leaders in their areas. The GTI program makes it easier for top talent to get permanent status by focusing on fields like technology, science, and engineering. The waiting time is usually about one month, so it’s a good choice for people who need to move quickly. Australia wants to make itself more competitive in key industries, and the program’s focus on top talent and new ideas fits with that goal. Link

United Arab Emirates (UAE): Green Visa – 5 Working Days

Green Visa

Target Audience:

  • Highly skilled individuals, freelancers, and investors.

Processing Time:

  • As fast as 5 working days under the fast-track system.

Key Requirements:

  1. Employment Contract:
    • One from a real company or group in the country that is supplying the document, like the UAE.
  2. Educational Qualification:
    • You should have a bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is useful for your job or field.
  3. Minimum Salary Requirement:
    • Meet the minimum pay requirement set by the country that issued the document. This makes sure that the person with the visa can support themselves financially.

The UAE’s Green Visa is a fairly new program that aims to bring in a wide range of talented people, such as highly skilled workers, freelancers, and investors. This visa gives its users freedom and flexibility by letting them sponsor themselves without the need for a local sponsor. The fast-track method for the Green Visa can handle applications in as little as five business days, making it one of the world’s fastest work visas. The UAE wants to draw the best people from all over the world by making it easier for them to get visas. This shows that the country is serious about economic diversification and new ideas. Link

Germany: EU Blue Card – Up to 4 Weeks

EU Blue Card

Target Audience:

  • People with a job offer in Germany who are highly educated and not from the EU.

Processing Time:

  • It could take up to four weeks, based on how busy the local immigration office is.

Key Requirements:

  1. Recognized University Degree:
    • Have a university degree or something similar that is accepted in Germany or is the same as a German degree.
  2. Job Offer:
    • Have a job offer from a German company with a contract that pays at least the minimum amount set by the German government.
  3. Minimum Salary Threshold:
    • For the EU Blue Card, the job offer must include a salary that is at least as high as the minimum level required. This makes sure that the job is seen as requiring a lot of skill.
  4. Recognition of Qualifications:
    • Your skills and credentials must be accepted in Germany. If needed, this could mean getting an official recognition or equivalency assessment.

Germany’s main visa for highly skilled workers from outside the EU is the EU Blue Card. People who work in IT, tech, and healthcare are especially interested in it. With the Blue Card, working times are usually pretty short—within a few weeks, at most—depending on how busy the local immigration office is. The visa can lead to permanent residency, which makes it a popular choice for people who want to work in Germany for a long time. The EU Blue Card is appealing because the country has a strong economy and a good quality of life. Link


It can be hard to find your way around the global job market, but if you know which countries process work visas the fastest, you’ll have a much better chance of getting your dream job abroad. Singapore, Canada, Australia, the United Arab Emirates, and Germany have all streamlined their visa programs to draw top talent and make sure they are processed quickly. You can make an informed choice and move forward with your plans to work abroad faster if you know the specific visa types, processing times, and requirements for each country.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How long does it take to get a work visa in Singapore?

    Singapore’s Employment Pass (EP) typically takes 28 to 60 days to process, with faster approval in high-demand sectors.

  • How long does the UAE Green Visa take to process?

    The UAE Green Visa can be processed in as little as 5 working days, thanks to its fast-track system.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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