Seasonal Work Visa

Malta Seasonal Worker Permit 2024 – A Guide

Today I’m going to talk about the Malta Seasonal Worker Permit for Non-Europeans. People from outside of Europe can get a seasonal worker pass in Malta and work in fields like tourism and hospitality, agriculture, and construction. You will need to apply for a “Malta Single Work Permit” or a short-stay visa for this.

You will need to apply for a “Single Permit” if your summer job starts and ends more than 90 days of the year. With a short-stay visa, you can stay in the country for less than or up to 90 days. summer workers in Malta make at least €9.15 an hour, which is a little less than what summer workers in Belgium make. Once you have a single pass, you will apply for a National Long Stay Visa, which is also known as a D Visa. Here are more specifics about how to apply, what you need, and how to get a visa.

Who is Eligible for the Malta Seasonal Work Permit?

People from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland can join the program. There are no specific standards for education or work experience.

Duration of a Work Permit

  • Short Stay (up to 90 days)
  • Long stay (more than 90 days, but maximum 9 months).

Apply for a Single Permit for Seasonal Work

  • You must apply to work as a seasonal worker with the Identity Malta Agency through a single process that is approved by your boss.
  • A “Single Work Permit” is what this is called. And you have to do it if you plan to stay longer than 90 days.

What is the Identity Malta Agency?

The Identity Malta Agency (IMA) is the government office that handles Visa applications and gives out visas.

What is the Malta Single Work Permit?

People who want to live and work in Malta for a long time can get this pass. A person must have a valid job offer from a company in Malta. Your boss can also fill out the application for you. It takes two to three months to get a single pass.

Where to Apply for a Single Permit?

You have to submit a single application procedure via link Single Permit – Article (

Once a person from a third country gets a single permit, they are officially allowed to live and work in Malta in a certain job for a certain employer.

Cost of a Permit

  • 280.50 euro

Residence Permit

A residence pass for seasonal work will be given out, and the person who has it can stay and work in Malta for more than ninety days.

Apply for a D Visa

After getting a work pass, you can start the process of getting a visa. The Maltese office in your country is where you can get a Malta national visa (Long stay D Visa).

Visa Cost

  • National Long Stay (D) Visa Fee: 100

Required Documents for Proof

  • An employment contract that is legal.
  • Proof that you have health insurance.
  • Proof that you have a proper place to stay in Malta.
  • Proof that you have enough money saved up.

Websites to Find Job Opportunities in Malta


With the Malta Seasonal Worker Permit for non-Europeans, you can go on a seasonal work trip in Malta. This guide covers everything from applying for the Identity Malta Agency to getting the National Long Stay (D) Visa. It talks about who can apply, how long the stay can last, how much it costs, and what papers are needed. Job possibilities can be found in tourism, hospitality, farming, and building. Sign up to work in Malta during the summer and enjoy the Mediterranean beauty.

People Also Ask

  1. Who is eligible for the Malta Seasonal Work Permit?

    People from outside the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland can join the program. You don’t need to have a certain level of schooling or work experience.

  2. What is the duration of a Malta Seasonal Work Permit?

    There are two options: short stay (up to 90 days) and long stay (more than 90 days, up to 9 months).

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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