
Portugal Golden VISA Application With Your Family?

The Golden Visa program in Portugal has become one of the most appealing ways to get residency in Europe by investing money. It was created in 2012 with the main goal of attracting foreign investments and giving non-EU citizens a way to become residents of Portugal, which can lead to citizenship and permanent residency. You can live, work, and go to school in Portugal with it, and you can move freely within the Schengen Area. It also lets you apply with family members and gives you the chance to apply for Portuguese citizenship after five years.

This article tells you everything you need to know about the Portugal Golden Visa program, such as who can apply, how to do it without an agent, and the benefits of getting this visa, especially if you are applying with your family. The Portugal Golden Visa could be the right chance for you if you’re an investor, an entrepreneur, or just someone looking for a new start in life.

Can You Obtain the Portugal Golden VISA With Your Family?

Yes! You can apply for the Portugal Golden Visa with your family, which is one of its best features. Once you get the visa, your family members can also get residency, which gives them the same perks as you.

The people in the following families can apply for a Golden Visa:

  • Spouse or legal partner.
  • Dependent children (under 18 or financially dependent).
  • Dependent parents (of either spouse) who are financially reliant.
  • Dependent siblings (minors or those under guardianship).

Because of this, the Portugal Golden Visa program is a great choice for families who want to move together. People in your family who qualify based on your application can live, work, and go to school in Portugal with the same rights as the main visa holder.

Can You Work on a Portugal Golden VISA?

You can live and work in Portugal if you have a Portugal Golden Visa. While some visa programs only let you live there without giving you the right to work, the Golden Visa lets you work or start your own business in Portugal.

This freedom to work also applies to family members who get residence permits through your Golden Visa application. It will be possible for them to work in Portugal just like it is possible for Portuguese people.

Applying for the Portugal Golden VISA Without an Agent

The process will be easier if you hire an agency, but you can still apply for the Portugal Golden Visa on your own. Here is a full, step-by-step guide to applying without an agent. This will save you money and give you more control over the process.

Choose Your Investment Option

The first thing you need to do to get a Golden Visa is choose an investment you will make in Portugal. The following types of investments are eligible:

Real Estate Investment:

  • Minimum Amount: €500,000.
  • Reduced Amount: €350,000 if the property is located in a low-density area.

Capital Transfer:

  • Minimum Amount: €1.5 million.
  • Requirement: Transfer this amount to a Portuguese bank account or make a Portuguese investment.

Job Creation:

  • Requirement: Create at least 10 jobs for Portuguese citizens.

Scientific/Technological Research or Arts:

  • Minimum Amount: €500,000.
  • Purpose: Invest in scientific research or cultural activities.

Venture Capital Funds:

  • Minimum Amount: €500,000.
  • Requirement: Invest in venture capital funds dedicated to Portuguese companies.

Prepare Your Documentation

Next, get together all the documents that will back your application. In some cases, these papers need to be translated into Portuguese and certified. The paperwork that is needed includes:

  1. Valid Passport:
    • For all applicants, including family members.
  2. Proof of Investment:
    • For real estate: Purchase agreement or property deed.
    • For capital transfer: Proof of funds transferred or investment made.
    • For job creation: Documentation proving job creation.
    • For scientific/technological research or arts: Investment confirmation.
    • For venture capital funds: Proof of investment in the funds.
  3. Criminal Record Certificate:
    • From your home country and any country where you have lived for more than one year.
  4. Portuguese Tax ID (NIF):
    • Obtainable online or at a local tax office in Portugal.
  5. Proof of Health Insurance:
    • Health insurance coverage that is valid in Portugal.
  6. Proof of Legal Residence in Portugal:
    • Lease agreement or another document if you are renting a place during the application process.
  7. Marriage Certificate or Proof of Partnership:
    • If applying with your spouse or partner.
  8. Birth Certificates:
    • For dependent children.

Open a Portuguese Bank Account

You will need to open a bank account in Portugal in order to meet the residency rules and move the money from the other country. Most banks let people who don’t live in the country open accounts, but you might have to go to a branch to finish the process.

Read Also: Portugal Visa Options – Visas for Jobs & Businesses

Make the Investment

Send the money you need to make your investment in Portugal as soon as your bank account is open. Whether you’re buying a house or giving money, make sure you keep all of your papers, contracts, and proof of payment. You will need them for your application.

Submit Your Application Online

Create an Account: Start by creating an account on SEF’s ARI portal.

Fill Out the Application Form: Fill out the form with information about your investment, yourself, and any family members who may be involved.

Upload Required Documents: Submit all necessary documentation, which typically includes:

  • Proof of investment
  • Passports
  • Criminal record certificates
  • Any other supporting documents required by SEF

Pay the Application Fee: The fee is €533 for the main applicant and €83 for each family member.

Submit Your Application: Finish your application on SEF’s online portal after filling out the form and uploading the necessary files.

Attend Biometrics Appointment

After your application has been pre-approved, you will need to make an appointment at a SEF office for fingerprints. For your resident card, you will need to give fingerprints and a picture. You have to be in Portugal for this meeting, so make plans ahead of time. Family members who are listed on the application must also show up for the biometrics session.

Obtain Your Residency Cards

After you’ve done your biometrics, your application will be looked over, and if it’s accepted, you’ll get your Golden Visa residency cards. Wait, because this process could take months. You have to spend at least seven days a year in Portugal during the two years that the card is good.

Renew Your Golden Visa and Pathway to Citizenship

If you want to keep your Golden Visa, you have to keep your payment for at least five years. After five years, you can apply to stay in Portugal permanently or become a citizen of Portugal.


The Portugal Golden Visa program is a great way for businessmen and their families to live in Europe permanently. It’s a way to get permanent residency and citizenship, and there are different ways to spend. Family members can also be included. Picking an investment, getting paperwork ready, applying online, and going to a biometrics meeting are all parts of the process. By doing these things, you can enjoy living, working, and going to school in Portugal while also looking into the options for becoming a citizen of Portugal in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Portugal Golden Visa?

    People who are not from the EU can live, work, and go to school in Portugal with a Portugal Golden Visa. It gives people a way to become Portuguese citizens and travel freely within the Schengen Area.

  • Can I work in Portugal with a Golden Visa?

    Yes, with a Portugal Golden Visa, you and your family members are permitted to work or start a business in Portugal.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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