Work Visa

Greece Work and Family VISA – Application Process

Imagine beginning your day with a stunning view of the Aegean Sea while sipping coffee in a cute café. You’d also know that your career is going well in one of Europe’s most historically and culturally rich countries. Doesn’t that sound like a dream? It doesn’t have to be that way. It’s not just a dream to move to Greece for work; it’s a real goal that can be reached. And the best part? You don’t have to go through a lot of red tape to bring your family or partner with you.

Greece is more than just a place for tourists to visit; it’s a place where skilled workers from all over the world can find work. Greece has a place for everyone, whether you’re a tech expert, a healthcare worker, or someone with a special set of skills. They’re also making it very easy for you to make it your home. Also, guess what? Your partner can also start working, which will increase the chances of success and happiness for everyone in the family.

You might be wondering, “This sounds great, but isn’t the immigration process hard and expensive?” To my surprise, it’s not. In some other countries, you need a lot of paperwork and maybe even an expensive visa agent to get into the country. But in Greece, the process is simple and easy enough that you can do it all by yourself, which saves you time and money.

This article has everything you need to know to make your dream come true. We’ll help you with every step of the way, from finding a job to getting your family and yourself the visas you need. You’ll feel confident that you’ve taken care of everything by the end, so you can pack your bags and start a new, exciting part of your life in Greece. Are you ready to start? Let’s talk about how you can set up your life and work in Greece with your family nearby.

Can You Apply for a Greece Work Visa with Your Family Visas Simultaneously?

You can get both a work visa and a family visa for Greece at the same time. Once you’re settled in Greece, your family can come along right away. This is one of the best things about going there. You can apply for both a work visa and a family reunification visa for your partner and children who depend on you at the same time. By working together, you can speed up the process and cut down on the time you have to wait, so you can start your new life in Greece together.

Can Your Spouse Apply for a Highly Skilled Work Visa?

Eligibility for EU Blue Card:

Qualifications: Your spouse must have a properly-recognized college degree or training that is similar to what is needed for the job in Greece.

Job Offer: For the EU Blue Card, they need to have a job offer or work contract from a Greek employer that pays at least the minimum amount.

Application Process: To get an EU Blue Card, they can go to the Greek consulate or embassy in their home country or, if they are already in Greece, to the Greek customs office.

Benefits of the EU Blue Card:

Work Authorization: Allows your spouse to work and reside in Greece.

Mobility: Makes it easy to move around within the EU for work and living reasons.

Family Reunification: Offers family members the chance to join and live with the main user.

If the Work Visa Application is Rejected:

Short-Term Visas: You might want to apply for a short-term visa or residence permit that lets you come to Greece while you look for work or other long-term visa choices.

Dependent Visa:

Your partner can apply for a dependent visa if their application for a work visa is turned down. They can live with you in Greece while you work with this visa.

Conversion to Work Visa: Once your partner gets to Greece, they can look for work and apply for a work visa if they find a good job.

Alternative Options:

Review and Appeal: Check to see if they can fight the visa denial or if they can add more information to their application to make it stronger.

Process to Apply for Work VISAs and Dependent VISAs

1. Secure a Job Offer

  • For Work Visa: Make sure you have a valid job offer from a Greek company that meets the standards for the visa.
  • For Spouse: If your partner wants to apply for a work visa on their own, they should have a job offer too.

2. Prepare Your Documents

  • For Work Visa:
    • Valid passport
    • Job offer letter from a Greek employer
    • Proof of qualifications (degrees, certificates)
    • Health insurance coverage
    • Financial statements proving ability to support yourself
  • For Dependent Visa:
    • Marriage certificate or proof of relationship
    • Birth certificates of children (if applicable)
    • Proof of your legal status in Greece
    • Proof of sufficient financial means to support family members
  • Ensure all documents are in the required format and translated into Greek if necessary.

3. Submit Your Application

4. Attend Interviews

  • It’s possible that you and your family will have to go to talks at the consulate or embassy.
  • Get ready to talk about your job, your skills, and why you want to move to Greece.

5. Await Approval

  • Processing Time: Getting approved can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, based on the type of visa and the specifics of the case.
  • You can check on the progress of your application online or by calling the consulate.

6. Relocate to Greece

  • After getting your visa, you can move to Greece with your family.
  • When you get there, you’ll need to apply for residence passes for you and any people who depend on you. These will let you stay for a long time. This means filing with the local government and showing proof of a job, a place to live, and stable finances.

Read Also: European Work VISA With List of Job Sites 

Required Documents for Work Visa, Spouse Visa, and Family Visas

You’ll need to get a few things ready before you apply for these cards. The exact needs may be different based on where you are from, but here is a general list:

Work Visa:

  1. Valid Passport: Must have at least two blank pages.
  2. Completed Visa Application Form: Filled out accurately.
  3. Recent Passport-Sized Photographs: Typically, 2-3 photos.
  4. Official Job Offer: From a Greek employer, specifying the job role and salary.
  5. Proof of Qualifications and Work Experience: Diplomas, certificates, and reference letters.
  6. Health Insurance Coverage: Valid for the duration of your stay.
  7. Criminal Record Certificate: From your home country.
  8. Proof of Sufficient Financial Means: To support yourself while in Greece.

Spouse Visa:

  1. Valid Passport: For both you and your spouse.
  2. Marriage Certificate: Translated into Greek and apostilled.
  3. Proof of Spouse’s Legal Status in Greece: Copy of their work visa or residence permit.
  4. Health Insurance Coverage: For both you and your spouse.
  5. Proof of Sufficient Financial Means: To support your spouse.

Family Visa:

  1. Valid Passports: For each family member.
  2. Birth Certificates for Children: Translated into Greek and apostilled.
  3. Proof of Family Member’s Legal Status in Greece: If applicable.
  4. Health Insurance Coverage: For all family members.
  5. Proof of Sufficient Financial Means: To support the entire family.

Where to Find Skill Shortage Jobs in Greece for You and Your Spouse?

You’ll need to find a job that meets Greece’s skill shortage requirements before you can apply for a work visa. Here are the seven best sites to help you find those high-demand jobs:


Moving to Greece for work with your family is a real and exciting possibility. Greece is a great place for skilled workers and their families to live because it is easy to get a visa and you can apply for both a work visa and a family visa at the same time. You can easily adjust to life in Greece if you find a job, get the paperwork ready, and follow the application steps. Take advantage of this chance to begin a new life in a country renowned for its beautiful scenery, fascinating past, and lively culture. Get ready to enjoy views of the Aegean Sea and a satisfying job in one of Europe’s most beautiful places.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can my spouse apply for a Highly Skilled Work Visa in Greece?

    You can apply for the EU Blue Card with your spouse. This is a work card for people with a lot of skills. They need to have a college degree that is accepted and a job offer from a Greek company that pays at least the minimum amount. Being able to move around and reunite with family is also made easier by the EU Blue Card.

  • Can I apply for a Greece Work Visa and family visa simultaneously?

    You can apply for both a work visa and a family visa at the same time. You and your family can move to Greece together, which speeds up the process and cuts down on wait times.

Balisha Rao

My Self Balisha Rao ,Unlock the pathway to seamless visa navigation and career progression with my Expertise. Leverage 4 years of expertise in visa guides and career development for personalized guidance towards your goals. Let's craft your journey together.

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