Malaysia Work Visa Process – Types of Work Permits
The country of Malaysia is in Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur is its main city. Malay is the native language of Malaysia. This post is about how to get a Malaysian work visa and the different types of passes (work permits) that let people from other countries work in Malaysia. A person from outside of Malaysia must have a job offer from a Malaysian company. After that, your Malaysian boss will get the Work Permit for you. Foreign workers with low education or high levels of skill can both apply for jobs in Malaysia.
The Malaysian Immigration Department says that 1,589,720 people who were applying for an employment pass in 2023 used the Online Service Transaction. There are also different kinds of Malaysian work permits based on the job and the length of time worked. Some work passes can only be given to people from certain countries. Here is all the information you need to apply for a Malaysia Work Visa, along with a step-by-step guide.
Types of Malaysian Work Permits (Work Passes)
These are the different types of work permits for the Foreign Nationals:
1) Employment Pass (EP)
For highly skilled jobs, this is the most popular type of pass that lets foreigners work for a Malaysian company. This pass is good for one to five years, based on the type of work and the length of the contract.
2) Temporary Employment Pass (TEP)
The Temporary Employment Pass is issued for the following sectors:
- Manufacturing
- Plantation
- Agriculture
- Construction
- Services
This pass has two categories:
1) Foreign Workers Temporray Employment Pass: As a foreign worker, you can also get this type of pass to work in Malaysia. This pass is also called a Temporary Visit Pass. The person must be between the ages of 18 and 45 when they apply.
To get a Foreign Worker Temporary Employment Pass, you must be from one of the following countries:
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Bangladesh
- Myanmar
- Laos
- Vietnam
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Turkmenistan
- Uzbekistan
- Kazakhstan
- Nepal
- Philippines
- India
2) Foreign Domestic Helper (FDH) Temporary Employment Pass: The only women from the following countries who can get this pass are between the ages of 21 and 45.
- Indonesia
- Thailand
- Cambodia
- Philippine
- Sri Lanka
- India
- Vietnam
- Laos
3) Professional Visit Pass (PVP)
Here are the rules for short-term jobs (up to 12 months). People from other countries who work as artists, film crew, church workers, government workers, students, or volunteers can usually get this pass.
Can you bring your family members with a Malaysian work visa?
People who have Employment Passes are the only ones who can bring their families to Malaysia with them. With the Malaysia Dependent’s Pass, if you have an EP, you can bring the following family members with you:
- Your spouse
- Your dependent children under 21 years old
EP users can also bring the following family members to Malaysia with them thanks to the Long Term Social Visit Pass:
- Dependent children over 21 years of age (adopted or biological)
- Spouse
With an EP, the following family members can meet an EP holder:
- Parents
- Common Law Wife
- Children over the age of 21
- Stepchildren
Read Also: Malaysia International Companies Jobs for Foreigners 2024
Requirements For Getting a Malaysia Work Visa
For the Employment Pass: People who want to apply for the job must meet certain requirements.
For the Temporary Employment Pass: There are some requirements: you need to be from a certain country and have a job offer in a certain field.You need to be 18 to 45 years old. For the Temporary Employment Pass, you don’t need to have any special skills that are thought to be highly skilled.
How to Apply for the Malaysia Work Visa?
The steps you need to take to apply:
- First, look for a job in Malaysia that will pay for your trip.
- In Malaysia, your company or boss will apply for the work permit (pass) with the Immigration Department of Malaysia on your account.
- After getting your work pass, you can apply for a Malaysia Visa with Reference if you are from a country that needs one.
- As long as you are from a country that doesn’t need visas, you can go to Malaysia with just your work pass.
What is a Malaysia Visa with Reference?
People who want to apply for a Malaysian Visa With Reference had to get the visa accepted by the Malaysia Immigration Department first, before they could go to an Embassy or Consulate and apply.
Your boss will be able to help you with this part and tell you how to apply for the Visa.
Helpful Links
Malaysian Immigration Department Website
To get a Malaysian work visa, you need to know about the different types of work passes, like the Employment Pass (EP), the Temporary Employment Pass (TEP), and the Professional Visit Pass (PVP). For each pass, there are specific requirements for who can apply, ranging from highly skilled jobs to short-term roles. People with an EP can bring family members to Malaysia as long as they follow certain rules. To get a Malaysian work visa, follow the step-by-step guide and click on the helpful links for more details.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring my family members with a Malaysian work visa?
People with an Employment Pass (EP) are the only ones who can bring their families to Malaysia. The Malaysia Dependent’s Pass is for spouses and children under 21 who live with them and rely on them. When someone has an EP, they can bring dependent children over 21 years old, common-law partners, and stepchildren with them on a long-term social visit pass.
What is a Malaysia Visa with Reference?
A Malaysia Visa with Reference is a type of visa that needs to be approved by the Malaysia Immigration Department before it can be applied for at an Embassy or Consulate. If you need help getting this visa, your boss or company will do it for you.